I feel the government has the right to do what is necessary to protect the people. If the people feel really strongly that they abused their powers then they can fix their power by susing them for misuse use of their powers and invading their rights. If the federal govenment receives information about a possible foreign or domestic threat then they have to use everything they have to make sure they know what's going to happen and stop the threat.
I %100 agree with you Matt. The government does this to protect its people.
Suing** Matt get your speling right.
i highly agree with you when you stated that "the government has the right to do what is necessary to protect the people" the people of the United States had agreed to this when the Constitution was signed in 1776.
I agree with your answer. People dont take a stand because they do not really feel that much hattreded to what the goverment is doing. All the people want to do is find something new to blame the goverment for.
great points. the people of this country may have no idea about how many lives this safes till his day. this act is was meant to protect us, and so far it has. im 100% okay with this act. why risk thousands of lives when we could all just help out by letting the government screen our internet and calls. what do the innocent people have to hide..? NOTHING.
i agree with you about the government using what they have to in order to protect the people and if they have a problem with what the government is doing then maybe they should take legal action if it bothers them so much.