Our internet usage already is monitired. As well as our phone usage. The government has "spiders" that alert them whenever certain words are used. Like "bomb" or "anthrax." Lol Sorry for bringing this forum to their attentino now, if it hasn't been already. :P
But in all seriousness, I'm not sure that they do look into every single thing. Because I know I have friends that'll throw those kinds of things into phone conversations or texts just to screw around. And it seems like that'd be too easy. None the less, it makes me sort of uncomfortable knowing they can do things like that, but at the same time, if followed through with efficiently, it would probably prevent a lot of crisis.
I guess everything comes with a price. Clearly Franklin believed the value of civil liberties and freedom outweighed protection. Personally, I'd rather willingly give up some of my rights for a little bit if it ensured that I could keep my life to practice them later.