National Security v. Civil Liberties (Raby)

Patriot Act Forum

Patriot Act Forum

by Alayna Zaydel -
Number of replies: 6

I agree that the Patriot Act expands the powers of our government in a way that is necessary for our protection. Our government was limited in its scope by outdated laws that didn't reflect the constant threats to national security that we have today. Because of today's technology, terrorist acts are easier to commit than ever before. Why should we limit ourselves from using this technology to protect us, when they are using it to harm us and others? I believe that if you aren't doing anything wrong, you shouldn't worry about the government's data mining; most likely, it won't affect you at all.

I agree with Joe Biden when he said, "the FBI could get a wiretap to investigate the mafia, but they could not get one to investigate terrorists. To put it bluntly, that was crazy! What's good for the mob should be good for terrorists." This is just one example of the restricting ways of our old laws and regulations; the "Virginia Jihad" is one example of how our new laws are helping us. Were the law enforcement officers and agencies not allowed to use our data the way they can with the Patriot Act, we may not have caught and stopped the terrorist cell growing in our own home. The US Patriot Act will do a lot more good than harm for us in the war on terrorism.

In reply to Alayna Zaydel

Re: Patriot Act Forum

by Christina Eiben -
i agree with you because the government isn't going to take the time to look at every persons data they will only look at something if it has to do with national security.
In reply to Alayna Zaydel

Re: Patriot Act Forum

by Leah Jaber -
I agree with you. I don't think people should worry if they have nothing to hide. The Gov. is strictly looking for suspicions of terrorism, not to take down ordinary citizens.
In reply to Alayna Zaydel

Re: Patriot Act Forum

by Natasha Ylen -

Ok I with on that the we should be able to use technology to help protect us when others are using it to hurt us. But I don't think it's right for the government to just go making new laws when they want to without getting the opinion of the people they are serving, meaning us the ones they are trying to protect. And I don't care if I'm innocent as a dove I don't like the thought of someone being allowed to freely go through my personal things without even my knowledge. To me that is just wrong on so many levels.

In reply to Natasha Ylen

Re: Patriot Act Forum

by Meagan Allen -
I agree with you Natasha. We are giving the government too much power. There's ways of using technology to protect us rather than spying on a person for with no justification and no notification.