Everything in the USA Patriot Act is necessary. The government should use any means nessesary to protect the citizens of the USA against terrorist. EVen if it means eliminating some privacy like text messages and phone calls. If they didnt monitor those kinds of things then someone could easily communicate with someone else and plan an attack without anyone finding out.
i agree
I agree! Why are people so worried? The government is trying to protect! I want them to do everything they can to protect me.
What it really comes down to is who are you more afraid of, our government having information on us, or the possibility of terrorist attacks?
exactly! You have no worry about it. I mean their looking for terrorist activity. If your not part of that then you should have nothing to hide. I mean even if you were texting a friend trying to get some weed or something their not going to come after you for it. Their more worried about torrorists not as much about whos trying to get high (pointed towards all the stoners that are worried the government will come after them because their reading their texts and listening to their phone calls)
did you read the part of the act where your personal information is shared between different government agencies? its being passed around, not kept entirely safe dear.
I'd be more worried about who else is getting it from these private comapnies rather than which goverment agency its being passed around to.
So? It's still within the government.
they dont care about everday people. their trying to weed out the terrorists. they have specific leads and stuff. they could care less about what everyone else is doing.
its still in the government. Its not going to get leaked out. Its safely kept if there was a chance it would get leaked out then why would they do the same with terrorist information? they wouldn't bc they dont want them to find out that the US knows about their plans