National Security v. Civil Liberties (Raby)

National Security v. Civil Liberties

National Security v. Civil Liberties

by Anarida Delaj -
Number of replies: 1

I do agree with the statement that "The USA Patriot Act and other actions that expanded the powers of the executive branch in matters of national security are necessary to protect the citizens of the United State from foreign and domestic threats." The reason to why I agree with this statement is because I believe that the meaning behind the Patriot Act is to make sure that the citizens of the United States are safe and sound. I don't believe that the government would go as far as to completely demolish their own system. If this type of event ever happened, then the government might as well be prepared for war against its own people because no one will stand around to be taken advantage of or acussed of crimes that they are innocent of. Nevertheless, I believe that this act is in place for the good of everyone. For instance, law enforcement can now use surveillance to look deeper into terrorism attacks "The Act enabled investigators to gather information when looking into the full range of terrorism-related crimes, including: chemical-weapons offenses, the use of weapons of mass destruction, killing Americans abroad, and terrorism financing." Also, the government cannot just simply ask businesses to provide them with private information: "Under the Patriot Act, the government can now ask a federal court (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court), if needed to aid an investigation, to order production of the same type of records available through grand jury subpoenas." People need to understand that the government is trying to make sure that everyone's privacy is in fact being protected and their life is nothing but safe. I understand that there is much flexibility in this act to cause one to believe that the government could take advantage of the situation, but why would they do that? Once again, just like our Founders created the government, those that live today can tear it down if they pass the point of irrational actions. We can only hope that the government stays true and follows its own laws. Remember, NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW. Our Constitution will always be there to protect its people. 

In reply to Anarida Delaj

Re: National Security v. Civil Liberties

by Anthony McKinney -

I don't think any business should be hesistant when giving their records to the government. Keeping records is what usually speeds up a case.

I agree with your other view points.