National Security vs. Civil Liberties Forum

Patriot Act

Patriot Act

by Alec Jones -
Number of replies: 27

I agree with the Patriot Act. They should be able to do what they need to do to protect us. This is an un-winnable argument. People complain that they invade our privacy and everything, but if America was attacked when they were backing off a little people would complain even more. So why not be safer. If you really think about it, it doesnt effect you unless you are actually planning to do something bad or have connections with terroists.

In reply to Alec Jones

Re: Patriot Act

by Javon Stewart -

That's the way I felt too. If you don't have anything to do with any kinds of terrorism then your safe. The government is only looking for that one thing and that one thing only and if it isn't there, they don't care.

In reply to Javon Stewart

Re: Patriot Act

by Zachary Rosen -

But why should I suffer persecution and have to deal with some bullcrap policy because some arab decided to fly a plane into a building?

In reply to Zachary Rosen

Re: Patriot Act

by Tyler Fox -

Because by giving up some of these rights, you are helping keep people safe. The less rights we have the more security we are going to have. The more rights, the less security. Would you rather have more freedoms and have thousands of people die everyday due to the lack of national security?

In reply to Tyler Fox

Re: Patriot Act

by Erin NortonLannen -

It's not a matter of thousands of people everyday. There weren't thousands of people in the US dying every day from terrorist attack before the Patriot Act, there certainly wouldn't be now.

In reply to Erin NortonLannen

Re: Patriot Act

by Tyler Fox -

Do you know how many terrorist attacks have been stopped since 9/11? well i googled it and it has been around 50. That is alot of lifes saved wouldn't you say?

In reply to Alec Jones

Re: Patriot Act

by Kyle Kissandi -

Coming from the kid in the marines......... But your right id rather be safe.

In reply to Kyle Kissandi

Re: Patriot Act

by Shane Martin -

who doesnt wanna be safe??? id just like to be safe by not being probed by the government. atleast get rid of the private storage

In reply to Alec Jones

Re: Patriot Act

by Gjergi Nikollaj -

There just needs to be a check on the Patriot act, just the word "terrorist" pretty much puts it into effect.

In reply to Alec Jones

Re: Patriot Act

by Tayla Heller -

i would have to agree.

In reply to Alec Jones

Re: Patriot Act

by Erin NortonLannen -

But it does affect you. It affects all of us. If you tweet about an "incident" at work, that's a red flag. "Recruitment?" Red flag. If you post a status on Facebook talking about your spam folder and use the word "scammers," that's another one. Here is a list of keywords Homeland Security uses to monitor social networking sites. Tell me that doesn't feel a mite overboard? I'll give up physical security, gladly, if my rights are secure.

In reply to Erin NortonLannen

Re: Patriot Act

by Shane Martin -

its unwinnable at this point because they tend to deny anything we say about them infringing on our rights. to them it has never happened and they do what in neccessary

In reply to Erin NortonLannen

Re: Patriot Act

by Alec Jones -

Even if you are red flagged what does that do? They just watch you.. if your not actually up to terroist activity what does it matter.

In reply to Alec Jones

Re: Patriot Act

by Erin NortonLannen -

The point is that I'm not up to any terrorist activity, and I have the right to privacy. In the grand American tradition, I tend to be very protective of my rights.

In reply to Alec Jones

Re: Patriot Act

by Kyle Kissandi -

A shovel, rope, gun, and bleach? Are you going hunting Alec?