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Physics A and B - Lurie
Online Learning Resources
Phys-A and B-DL
Topic 24
Radio Frequency Identification - The Internet of T...
Radio Frequency Identification - The Internet of Things
A tiny new technology with a huge potential impact on our lives.
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◄ How Motors Work, Advanced- UNSW
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Selected Answers to Midyear Exam Review - January 2017
Physics Flashcards
Physics Flashcards Answers
Science Policies and Grading
Lab safety contract
Portfolio and Redo information
Lab Report Format
PhysicsLab Online Labs
Graph paper 5mm boxes
The Physics Hypertextbook
Direct Measurement Videos - SERC
People's Physics Book - SI Prep version
The Branches of physics
NOTES - Significant Figures
Significant Figures Practice Applet
Graph, Slope, and Equation Concepts Review
WEBSITE - Positive and negative correlations
WEBSITE VIDEO - Direct and Inverse proportions
WEBSITE - Direct and inverse proportions
Lab - scatter plot and height
Practice Quiz: Math Skills WITH KEY
Math Skills for High School Physics
Using Excel for Data Analysis
Chapter 1 review sheet
Skateboarding Frame of Reference
Physics Classroom - Distance and displacement
YOU tube - distance vs. displacement
Distance, and Displacement wksht
Calculating position, distance and displacement
Notes on how to make and read position vs. time graphs
Position vs. Time Graph Matching (Move by Hand)
Crossing Paths Graph Paper 14x11 Divisions
Crossing Paths - Lab Report Directions Conceptual
Crossing Paths Lab - Physics Pos Vs Time 2 Objects
P vs T, V vs T Graph Practice - PhysClassroom
Position vs.Time STUCK ON A TRACK doc
Determining slope and velocity from P vs T graphs
PhET Moving Man
Notes on Velocity vs. Time graphs
Physlet - Helicopter Velocity Graph
Physlet - V vs. T graphs - Move by hand
Predict Vel and Accel Graphs from Pos v Time graph
Practice Quiz Speed, Vel, Graphing KEY
Dist, Vel, Time Worksheet KEY (1-10)
Worksheet - Simultaneous Equations of Motion w graphs
Area of Velocity vs Time Graphs - PhysicsClassroom
ch 2 Review sheet
Elevator and Potato Exercise - Graphing and Kinematics Formulas
Measuring "g" using a Spark Timer
Kinematics Problems with Audio Guided Solutions
INSTRUCTIONS Lab #3 Accel down Plane
Solved Practice Problems! PhysicsClassroom
Balloon Accelerometer in the Family Minivan!
Desmos Animation 2 Cars Position as Function of Time
You tube- Adding and subtracting vectors
You tube - two dimensional vectors/cos,sin, tangent
YOu Tube - tip to tail vector addition, pythagorean theorum and soh cah toa
Vector Math - Youtube videos
Vectors PowerPoint
Phet Vectors - Student Directions (Loeblein)
Phet Vector Addition
Interactive Animation - Angled Pulley System Problem
Sliding block on plane - Interactive applet
Airplane trying to land in Crosswind
Tightrope over pool. Should have studied vectors!
Riverboat Simulator oPhysics - Relative Motion
Tracker Video Instructions
Ball Launch 55 deg Level 2, 1.483m
Relative Motion of Water Balloon
Projectile Motion Big Powerpoint - Prof. Tibbens
Projectile Motion Concepts - D Owens Video
Horizontal Launch Projectile Problem - D Owens Video
Non-Horizontal Projectile Practice 1 - D Owens
Projectile Motion - Leap Across Canyon - D Owens Video
Projectile on Mars (different g) D Owens Video
Projectile Motion Mini Quiz with Solutions
Pratice Quiz - Projectile Motion
Video - bikes are projectiles, too!
Ch 3 review sheet for both quizzes
Excel Projectile Calculator - Lurie
ball bouncing across stage
Force and Newton's Laws Study Guide - With Answers at End
You tube - adding and subtracting forces
Forces and the Construction of Free Body Diagrams - Flash Presentation
How to draw Free Body Diagrams - with videos!
Free Body Diagrams Rock! worksheet
Free Body Diagram Matching Self Test
You tube - Crash test dummy footage
VIDEO - Newton's Laws of Motion
Inertia of Shopping Carts
LAB - Discovering Newton's 1st law lab
Net Force and Accleration Practice
Web page - Four types of friction
LAB - Friction lab #1
LAB - Friction lab #2
Geogebra Inclined Plane Forces
ch 4 Review sheet on forces
Static vs. Kinetic Friction - Which is Bigger (Cornell Video)
Ferrari yanks carpet out from under people
Video - Alternative Future Energy Sources
YOU TUBE - How to calculate work and power
YOU TUBE - More calculations of work and power
LAB - Introduction to work
LAB - Watt's your power? Lab
Reinforcement energy practice
Work and Energy Review Problems - with Solutions
Work and Energy Practice Exam A KEY
Physics Work and Energy Practice Test
ch 5 Review sheet
Forms of energy worksheet
Bungee Jumping Conservation of Energy - w/Solutions
You tube - Conservation of energy and bowling ball
Physics Data - Skateboard on Slopes Jan 23 2017
Tracker Video Analysis Instructions
Group 1 Cart Collision Kate-Nate
Group 2 Cart Collision Sanchez
Lurie Drop Pool Ball 228cm track
Momentum introduction worksheet
Conservation of Momentum worksheet
Momentum and Impulse Notes -
Momentum Powerpoint 1
Momentum and Impulse PDF
People colliding with exercise balls
Bubble Soccer - Nice Collisions!
Ch 6 Review sheet - Momentum
Physics of Curling (Stones, not Hair)
Circular Motion Presentation- GREAT
YOU TUBE - Centripetal force (planet nutshell)
YOU TUBE - Centripetal force board
YOU TUBE - BIg Bang Theory
YOU TUBE - NASA and space!
YOU TUBE - Centripetal acceleration and how to calculate it
YOU TUBE - Centripetal vs Centrifugal
LAB - Centripetal Force
Circular Motion Vector Applet - McGraw Hill Interactives
Circular Motion Math Practice
Banked Racetrack Applet - McGraw Hill Interactives
Hills and Dips! Vertical Circular Motion Worksheet
Hills and Dips - SOLUTIONS
YOU TUBE - Newton's Universal Law of gravitation
YOU TUBE - Professor Mac Gravity review
YOU TUBE - Gravitation formula and calculation
YOU TUBE - BLackholes
YOU TUBE - The Moon and tides
YOU TUBE - Kepler Biography
YOU TUBE - Kepler's 3 Laws
ch 7 Review Sheet
Simple Harmonic Motion Notes - Basic to Advanced
The Physics Classroom - Pendulum animation
The Physics Classroom - Pendulum Worksheet. Use this with the website animation
YOU TUBE -Super cool group of pendulums!
LAB -Pendulum Lab
Mechanical waves notesheet
Wave Basics Study Guide - with solutions
PhET Wave On a String Lab 1
YOU TUBE - Transverse and Longitudinal waves
YOU TUBE - Waves and their characteristics
Wave Animations - Dan Russell
Wave practice problems
CPO Powerpoint: Waves
Cool ripple tank applet (Falstad)
YOU TUBE - Constructive and Destructive Interference
YOU TUBE - Simulation of Constructive and Destrutive
YOU TUBE - How do noise cancelling headphones work?
Superposition of Waves - Penn State Animations Sound Waves and Music
Resonance in the Backyard Pool (youtube)
Lots of Waves Self Quizzes - St. Mary's
Desmos standing wave from superposition
Spring Wave Lab
Sound Resonance Tube - Lab Instructions
Diagrams of Ear at Many Scales
Auditory Neuroscience - Animations inside Cochlea
YOU TUBE - Ecolocation in bats and dolphins
YOU TUBE - Echolocation, sonar, and ultrasound
YOU TUBE - The Doppler Effect and Dr. Sheldon Cooper
LAB - Sound Activity
Doppler Effect Applet
Sound Wave Practice Problems WS
Decibels: Sound Intensity and Logarithmic Scale
PPT - Sound PPT presentation
DROP BOX - Sound PPT presentation
Notes on Waves and Sound - Complete
Beats Applet - Red Wave + Green Wave = Yellow Wave
Beats with Sound - Overlay Waves
Two Frequency Generator
Waves and Sound WS - Graphs, Doppler, Beats
Review - Waves and Sound Flashcards
Regents Physics - Waves; Lessons and Review
Chladni Plate Resonance - youtube
Standing Sound Waves in a Tube - Fendt
NOTES ON LIGHT Conceptual Physics
Phet Radio Waves Applet
Animation of EM Wave - Walter Fendt
Notes on Light Physics Ch 13-14
You Tube -Dr Quantum Explains Double Slit Experiment (cartoon)
YOU TUBE -The original double slit experiment - Veritasium
YOU TUBE - What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?
YOU YUBE - Electromagnetic Spectrum explained
LAB -Round the room Observation Lab
Explanation and Animation of Electromagnetic Wave
Animations of Michelson Speed of Light experiment
Precision of Speed of Light
YOU TUBE - Why is the sky blue?
YOU TUBE - Why is the sunset red?
LAB-Phet Light Color Vision Animation- Why do you see the colors you see?
LAB - PHET color lab sheet
Color Separation and Inks - Demonstration
Colors and Shadows: Self-Quiz or Pairs Activity
Inverted Flag Illusion
Drawing rays -Light and Reflection
Notes on MIrrors
YOU TUBE - Concave and Convex Mirrors
You Tube - Crazy guy talks about mirrors
You Tube - Concave mirror and magic
Lens and Mirror Ray Tracing Applet - F Hwang
Lens and Mirror Ray Tracing - Surendranath
London Building acting as Converging Mirror
Phet - Bending Light
Physics Classroom - Polarization
Ch 13 Review Sheet
Chapter 18 Updated Textbook
Snell's Law Basic Ray Diagram
PhET: Bending Light
You Tube - Refraction and Snell's Law Calculations
Index of Refraction and Snell's Law Classwork
Snell's Law Hands-On Practice WS 1
Snell's Law Problem Set 1, With answers
Snell's Law Bellwork
You Tube - refraction, prism and rainbows
You Tube - Refraction and Rainbows
Refraction with Dispersion Applet
Rainbow Explanation - See different colors from different drops
LAB - Observation Lab - Refraction
Dispersion and Rainbow Applets - Click on to move light. See refraction at different angles.
Chromatic Aberration xkcd cartoon
Wikipedia - Lenses (includes basic diagrams and complex extensions)
Lenses and stuff you should know about them
Phet Convex Lens Ray Diagram
Thin Lens Applet - with math and videos!
Easy Online Quizzes - Optics
Davidson Physlets - Calculate f from points on screen
Eye lens accomodation to keep image focused on retina
Interactive Vision Correction Demonstration with Light Rays
Map your Blind Spot
Stuff of Genius: Self-Adjustable Adspecs Optics Review - Great!
Optics Review Sheet
Optics Review Sheet - with Answers
Atmospheric Optics - Cool Stuff in the Sky!
Challenging Optics Review
Challenging Optics Review - ANSWERS
CH 14 Review Sheet - Refraction, lenses and the eye
Phet Waves 2 slit interference
Walter Fendt 2-slit interference applet
Why is the Sky Blue?
Young's Double Slit Experiment - Veritasium at the Beach
NOTES - Transfer of electric charges and electric forces
NOTES - ch 16 - Electric Charge and Static Electricity
Electricity Notes Part 1
You Tube - Chemistry Party
Mr. Sci Guy - Static Electricity - Static Electricity - READ ME
Phet - Static Balloons
PHET - Online lab -Static Electricity
Triboelectric Series - How to charge by Friction
Static Gas Fire!
SparkNotes: Electric Forces, Fields, and Potential
Household Electrical Activity
Ohm's Law packet and calculations
Circuits and Circuit diagrams packet
Elementary Circuits -
You Tube - Intro to series and parallel circuits
You Tube - Series vs. Parallel with light bulbs
You Tube - Series vs Parallel, Ohm's law and Math!
Series-Parallel DC Circuits -
PHET - DC Electric Circuit online Lab
Parallel DC Circuits -
You Tube - review of static and current electricity
Sample Electric Bill, with Explanation from Power Company
Phet Circuits POWER!
Round the Loop We Go - Answer Key
Electricity and Circuit Review - ANSWERS
Electricity and Circuit Review Questions
Magnetic Field Slideshow - Basic Through Advanced
Magnetic Fields of Magnets and Solenoids - Hyperphysics
Basic Magnet Quiz 15 MC
US Geological Survey - Magnetism Frequently Asked Questions
1: Magnets and Magnetic Domains - Derek Owens
2: Magnetic Fields - Derek Owens
Electric Current and Magnetic Fields
Phet Exploration: Magnets, Transformers, and Generators
How Motors Work, Advanced- UNSW
General Topics
Spectroscopy - Study spectra from various chemicals or light sources
Rotational Energy - Measure moment of inertia
Measure the strength of beams as function of length or height
Create a three or four-bar linkage and study the motion constraints
Design and/or use a Wheatstone bridge to measure electrical resistance
Create Lissajous figures using laser and two speakers
Create adjustable color ball with LED's in ping pong ball
Doppler Effect from a Passing Car
Measure the index of refraction as a function of frequency
Bernoulli's Law - Velocity of liquid as function of depth, density
Create a computer simulation of projectile motion
Create electromagnetically coupled pendulums
Interference in a Ripple Tank
Create resonance demonstrator
Demonstrate Laser Interference - Young's Double Slit Experiment
Design and build a model solar car
Measure voltage and current output of solar cell
Design a telescope
Study Matrices which describe lens properties
Use laser to determine track spacing on CD or DVD
Create a model of an amusement park ride
Create a Smartboard from a Wii Remote!!!
Measure the Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of a Machine
Measure Deflection of a Beam
Review Questions - Many Topics JM Schober
Physics B Concept Review - Basic Through Electricity
Physics B Concept Review ANSWERS
Physics B Practice Final Exam - Through Electricity
Answers to Physics B Multiple Choice Practice Final
General Topics ►