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AP Comparative Government--Green
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Topic 4
Topics Index: Mexico
Topics Index: Mexico
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◄ Mexico’s Election Draws Eyes From Across Border
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AP U.S. Government and Comparative Politics Course Description
Comparative textbook companion website--5th edition
U.K. Student PPT #1
U.K. Student PPT #2
U.K. Student PPT #3
U.K. Student PPT #4
U.K. Student PPT #5
U.K. Student PPT #6
U.K. Student PPT #7
U.K. Student PPT #8
Britain's choice: Voters deserve a more radical vision than the timid and uninspiring policies all parties have put forward so far
A U.K. Court Without the Wigs New Supreme Bench, Patterned on America's, Stirs Debate
Britain and the EU The moment, behind closed doors, that David Cameron lost his EU argument last night
Cameron's veto on Europe pact opens cracks in his coalition
Saving an Endangered British Species: The Pub
Devolution The centrifuge Even if Scotland votes to stay in the United Kingdom, the union is fraying
Scottish independence Pounded into submission It has not taken much to reveal the folly in Scottish nationalists’ plans
History trumps democracy Northern Ireland’s continuing troubles hold lessons for Britain about the rest of the world
Republicans Want Us To Be Europe
Russia: A Brief History
Ch. 8 Powerpoint -- Communism
Complete History Of The Soviet Union, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris
Soviet History -- Super Mario style
Animated Soviet Propaganda - American Imperialist: The Millionaire
Soviet National Anthem(With Lyrics)
Ch. 9 Powerpoint -- Russian Government
Topics Index: Russia
Topics Index: Russian and Soviet History
Topics Index: Russian politics
Russia profile
Voters punish Putin as Russia's communists make comeback
Russian democracy marching to the beat of a different drum
Moscow Attack a Test for Putin and His Record Against Terror
The long life of Homo sovieticus
Russia's future The cracks appear
As Money Flees Russia, Tycoons Find Tough Times
A Time and a Place for Russia
Russia Plans to Retry Dead Lawyer in Tax Case
Economy Brings Down Russian Oligarchs
The Rise of State Capitalism
Russian Liberals Growing Uneasy With Alliances
A Rally for Putin, Enthusiasm Optional
From Success at Putin’s Side to Exposing Corruption
Pride and Power (Russia)
'Bad boy' Putin grooves with Russian rappers
Russia Student PPT #1
Russia Student PPT #2
Russia Student PPT #3
Russia Student PPT #4
Russia Student PPT #5
Russia Student PPT #6
Russia Student PPT #7
Russia Student PPT #8
Russia Student PPT #9
Russia Student PPT #10
On Russian TV, It Isn’t All About the Strongman
Putin's return Corruption and dysfunction
Another great leap forward?
What Putin's Latest Win Means for Russia
History of Russia
Putin and the media Dreams about Russia
The secret sauce of Russian autocracy: Vodka (and lots of it)
Putin’s inferno The West must take a tough stand with the government of Ukraine—and with Russia’s leader
Crimea, the Tinderbox
From Russia, ‘Tourists’ Stir the Protests
Putin Can’t Stop
Putin, Flashing Disdain, Defends Action in Crimea
For First Time, Kremlin Signals It Is Prepared to Annex Crimea
Russia’s Move Into Ukraine Said to Be Born in Shadows
Why Russia Can’t Afford Another Cold War
Titans in Russia Fear New Front in Ukraine Crisis
Obama Team Debates How to Punish Russia
We Don’t Owe Russia More ‘Respect’
Russia and Ukraine The home front
Russia Moves Swiftly to Stifle Dissent Ahead of Secession Vote
Putin on the Couch
Remittance man Russia attempts to draw Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan back into its orbit
How to Punish Putin
Crimea Is Putin’s Revenge
3 Presidents and a Riddle Named Putin
Putin and the Laws of Gravity
Russia and Ukraine Insatiable The cost of stopping the Russian bear now is high—but it will only get higher if the West does nothing
3 Freed Americans Leave Iran; U.S. Places New Sanctions
Indebted Chinese Companies Increase Pressures on Government
For English cop, Detroit’s streets are a culture shock
In China, a Reverse Migration
Russians’ Anxiety Swells as Oil Prices Collapse
Russian Fund Under Scrutiny for Loan to Company Linked to Kremlin
As Frustrations With Mexico’s Government Rise, So Do Lynchings
China Considers Larger Role in Afghanistan Peace Process
China Deepens Its Footprint in Iran After Lifting of Sanctions
African Economies, and Hopes for New Era, Are Shaken by China
Nigerians Are 'Better Together'
President Xi Jinping of China Is All Business in Middle East Visit
How to Make Capitalism More Appealing
How China Lost Taiwan
U.S. Fortifying Europe’s East to Deter Putin
Boko Haram Raid in Nigeria Kills at Least 65
Britain Receives Proposals for ‘Better Deal’ to Stay in the E.U.
Toxic Loans Around the World Weigh on Global Growth
Russian Banks, Lies and Emojis
Migrant Group’s Desperate March Through Mexico
China Struggles for Balance in Response to North Korea’s Boldness
Russian Companies Rush to Return to Post-Sanctions Iran
British Effort to Identify Potential Radicals Spurs Debate Over Profiling
Young Bombers Kill 58 at Nigerian Camp for Those Fleeing Boko Haram
Ch. 10 Powerpoint (China)
The Guangdong model
China’s Censors Tackle and Trip Over the Internet
China slide show
China Alarmed by Security Threat From Internet
Chinese villagers have hope for first real election
On Day for China Pride, Little Interest in Ideology
In China, the Forgotten Manchu Seek to Rekindle Their Glory
China Is Wordless on Traumas of Communists’ Rise
Mao: The Great Helmsman of Kitsch?
China Hopes, and Tries, for Rain-Free Festivities
Fed up Chinese villagers stage revolt
China gives man 9 years in prison for arguing for democracy
A Village in Revolt Could Be a Harbinger for China
China's strident tone raises concerns among Western governments, analysts
Something old, something new A brief history of state capitalism
Iran's link to China includes nukes, missiles
China student PPT #1
Topics Index: China
Topics Index: Chinese politics
China's Xi Starts His Wooing of U.S.
China student PPT #2
China student PPT #3
China student PPT #4
China student PPT #5
China student PPT #6
China student PPT #7
China student PPT #8
China student PPT #9
Not pointing or wagging but beckoning (Chinese Foreign Policy, that is)
A Superpower Stirs
Gendercide Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising
Chinese Labor, Cheap No More
China's new sports problem Stop the Linsanity?
Chinese migration video
A Chinese Voice of Dissent That Took Its Time
Symbolism as substance Chinese and Taiwanese government officials meet for the first time, but China still worries about the future
Internal trade It’s a continent, actually China’s external imbalances are as nothing compared with its internal ones
China Blames Xinjiang Separatists for Stabbing Rampage at Train Station
China’s parliament The smog of war
Chinese politics The brains of the party
China Torn Between Policies and Partnership
Clean technology in China Red light, green light
Consumers in China The true meaning of san yao wu
China’s military spending At the double
Why Does China Not Have Famines Anymore? Two competing explanations for the end of 2,000 years of starvation.
Chinese civil society Beneath the glacier In spite of a political clampdown, a flourishing civil society is taking hold
Francis Admonishes Bishops in Mexico to ‘Begin Anew’
Facing Allies’ Doubt, John Kerry Voices Confidence in Syria Cease-Fire
Chinese Start to Lose Confidence in Their Currency
Obama’s Options for a Supreme Court Nominee, and the Potential Fallout
Europe Seeks Alternatives to Russian Gas Imports
Nigeria’s Booming Film Industry Redefines African Life
Why Are White Death Rates Rising?
Welsh Town Leads a British Revolt Against the Tax System and Corporations
When a State Balks at a City’s Minimum Wage
Xi Jinping’s News Alert: Chinese Media Must Serve the Party
Questions Linger Over Russia’s Endgame in Syria, Ukraine and Europe
The Iran Election: What You Need to Know
To Fight Critics, Donald Trump Aims to Instill Fear in 140-Character Doses
Iranian President and Moderates Make Strong Gains in Elections
Once I Saw Light in Iran. Now It’s Mostly Shadows.
Why China’s Economy Will Be So Hard to Fix
As Donald Trump Rolls Up Victories, the G.O.P. Split Widens to a Chasm
Ch. 11 Powerpoint LDCs
Ch. 16 Powerpoint -- Mexican Government and Politics
"Storm that swept Mexico" documentary link
Mexican army: 'El Chapo' security head arrested
Mexico’s Election Draws Eyes From Across Border
Topics Index: Mexican politics
'I will be the first woman president of Mexico in history,' Josefina Vazquez Mota says
Political advertising in Mexico
Governing Mexico All the president’s men Enrique Peña Nieto dusts off an old manual for imposing order
In Mexico Meeting, a Show of Friendship With Few Results on Immigration and Trade
El Chapo, Most-Wanted Drug Lord, Is Captured in Mexico
Vigilantes, Once Welcome, Frighten Many in Mexico
In Mexico City, Comedians Punish Society’s Scofflaws With Humiliation
Awash in Empty Homes, China Asks Migrant Workers to Settle Down
Europe’s Illiberal Democracies
China’s Censors Denounced in Online Attack
How Bernie Sanders Supporters Shut Down Donald Trump's Rally in Chicago
Stalin, Russia’s New Hero
Supreme Court Showdown Could Shape Fall Elections
First Step in Conservatives’ Supreme Court Fight: Agreeing on a Message
Tensions Rise in David Cameron’s Government Over E.U. Vote
John Roberts Criticized Supreme Court Confirmation Process, Before There Was a Vacancy
Politicians Push Marriage, but That’s Not What Would Help Children
Nigeria Textbook ppt
Nigeria’s subsidies: End them at once!
Nigeria's Muslim sects Stagnation stirs everything up Sectarian strife is often more about money than faith
Nigeria: How National Assembly Made Him Acting President
Nigeria ppt 1
Nigeria ppt. 2
Nigeria ppt 3
Nigeria ppt 4
Nigeria ppt 5
Nigeria ppt 6
Topics Index -- Nigeria -- The Economist
Topics Index: Nigerian politics
A better mattress
In Nigeria, a Deadly Group’s Rage Has Local Roots
Wielding Whip and a Hard New Law, Nigeria Tries to ‘Sanitize’ Itself of Gays
Trouble at Nigeria's central bank Playing politics
Nigeria and its detractors Big country, thin skin
Deadly Attacks Tied to Islamist Militants Shake Nigeria
Nigerians Ask Why Oil Funds Are Missing
Africa’s new Number One Nigeria’s suddenly supersized economy is indeed a wonder; but so are its still-huge problems
U.S. Indicts 7 Iranians in Cyberattacks on Banks and a Dam
How the G.O.P. Elite Lost Its Voters to Donald Trump
Feeling G.O.P. Peril, Muslims Try to Get Out Vote
Donald Trump’s Success Upends Battle for Control of Congress
Trump, Ryan increasingly at odds over future of the GOP
Anonymous Call for Xi to Quit Rattles Party Leaders in China
Nafta May Have Saved Many Autoworkers’ Jobs
Russia Shows What Happens When Terrorists’ Families Are Targeted
Has Nigeria Really Captured Boko Haram's 'Spiritual' Home?
Why Trump Can’t Break the G.O.P.
Chaos of Cultural Revolution Echoes at a Lonely Cemetery, 50 Years Later
North Korea Lashes Out at China, Threatens a ‘Nuclear Storm’
Gary Johnson, Libertarian Candidate, Sees Opening Created by Donald Trump
Anti-Gay Laws Bring Backlash in Mississippi and North Carolina
Paul Ryan, a Mirage Candidate, Wages a Parallel Campaign
U.S. Military Campaign Takes Toll on ISIS’ Cash Flow
Iran powerpoint
Regime Wages a Quiet War on 'Star Students' of Iran
Iran Expanding Effort to Stifle the Opposition
Iran cracks down on online opposition
Iran’s Politics Stand in the Way of a Nuclear Deal
Cleric Wields Religion to Challenge Iran’s Theocracy
Topics Index: Iran
Topics Index: Iranian politics
U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb
Report documents Iran's efforts to quell opposition heading up to elections
Elections in Iran Favor Ayatollah’s Allies, Dealing Blow to President and His Office
Obama to Iran and Israel: 'As President of the United States, I Don't Bluff'
Iran and 6 Powers Agree on Terms for Nuclear Talks
Iran and the West Dismantling the wall
Rural decline in Iran Nothing idyllic
In Iran, Hopes Fade for Surge in the Economy
Islam--Empire of Faith video link
AP U.S. Gov't Review materials
Types of Government, Explained
Political Systems Explained for Dummies
Comparative textbook companion website--6th edition
AP Comparative Study Guide
AP Comparative Study Guide -- Nigeria
AP Comparative Study Guide -- Iran
Supreme Court Cases
Supreme Court Cases--Rest of cases
AP Review Website #3
AP Exam Review Ideas
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #1
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #2
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #3
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #4
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #5
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #6
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #7
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #8
AP U.S. Government Student PPT #9
Supreme Court Case Summary (complete)
Supreme Court Case List (Likely Cases)
Lauren & Monika's AP exam review ppt.
Stephan's comparative review
Comparative Websites for AP Exam Review
Topics Index: Mexican politics ►