1. "Spartan Vengeance", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

2. Simpsons Episode, "She of Little Faith" (Season 13, episode 6)

3. "Barbarian Massacre", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

4. "Viking Terror", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

5. "The Last Crusaders", from Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

6. "Maya Armageddon", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

7. "Zulu Siege", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

8. "Samurai Showdown", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

9. ¨Butter Battle Book¨: An Allegory of the Cold War

10. Atomic Cafe (1982): By Jayne Loader and the Rafferty Brothers
Last modified: Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 1:58 PM