1. "Spartan Vengeance", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

2. "Barbarian Massacre", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

3. "Viking Terror", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

4. "The Last Crusaders", from Warriors: with Terry Schappert (History Channel)

5. "Maya Armageddon", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

6. "Zulu Siege", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

7. "Warrior Empire: The Mughals" (History Channel)

8. Three Simpsons Episodes, "Lisa the Iconoclast" (Season 7, episode 16), "She of Little Faith" (Season 13, episode 6), "Much Apu About Nothing" (Season 7, episode 23)

9. Atomic Cafe (1982)
Last modified: Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 8:57 PM