1. "Spartan Vengeance", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

2. "Barbarian Massacre", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

3. "Viking Terror", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

4. "Mongol", by Sergei Bodrov

5. "Maya Armageddon", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

6. "Warrior Empire: The Mughals" (History Channel)

7. "Zulu Siege", from "Warriors: with Terry Schappert" (History Channel)

8. "The Art of War" documentary, not Hollywood film (History Channel)

9. "Nicholas Winton: The Power of Good", by Matej Minac (www.powerofgood.net)

10. Two Simpsons Episodes, "Lisa the Iconoclast" (Season 7, episode 16) and, "She of Little Faith" (Season 13, episode 6)
Last modified: Monday, November 10, 2014, 11:42 AM