Book 2 discussion

Book 2

Book 2

by Elizabeth Murphy -
Number of replies: 1
So this book is still confusing to me. I don't really understand what the monk blessing the women has to do with anything.
I got that the argument was about trying to once and for all settle everything between Demitri and Fyodor, especially money. I also understood the whole sepporation of church and state but i dont no what that had to do with anything. This book is kind of confusing because they just throw random things in. maby its just because im not getting it? I do see the charactors developing as the book goes on but i think their are alot of unecessary things in the book.
In reply to Elizabeth Murphy

Re: Book 2

by Mrs. Gutman -
Things will clear up as you keep reading. there is clearly the story of the four brothers and their relationship to each other and to their father, but Dostoevsky struggled with the role of the church in the life of the individual, the existence and relevance of God in man's life. Religion, especially Russian Orthodox was a huge influence in people's lives and he questions it. this novel is considered by many to be one of the most powerful Christian texts. Hope this helps.
ms. G