Federalism Katrina and FEMA

FEMA and Federalism

FEMA and Federalism

by Anthony McKinney -
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1) The National government abandoned all safety projects in preventing a catastrophe like Hurricane Katrina. FEMA was not prepared to deal with such a disaster. The National government failed to respond promptly to this natural disaster, there were many more casualties due to the lack of food and water. The State should make sure emergency plans are in place and will be followed in an emergency. The local government also did not want to pay for safety procedures like evacuation drills, which is why many people did not leave in time. 

2) Each branch of government did not perform as well as they should have. The National government failed to provide relief, the state failed to be prepared, and the local government did not help its citizens in time. 

3) Federal government should take more of a role in natural disasters if it can help prevent casualties. Money should not be considered a factor when there is a chance of saving hundreds of lives.