Federalism Katrina and FEMA

Federalism and FEMA

Re: Federalism and FEMA

by Marisa Tavolacci -
Number of replies: 0

I agree with Hunter 100% but i would like to add a little:

I agree that the local government did as much as they could but I don't believe they tried hard enough to get help.  It wasn't like Hurricane Katrina was a shock.  They knew that a hurricane was coming i just believe that they did not know the impact of it.

I agree that the state should have told the city to evacuate earlier as well.  I would also like to add that there needed to be more federal intervention.  The only thing that they did i believe was they sent out FEMA and a couple troops.  the United States has a whole army or navy that could have helped.  I just think that was a little unfair that there were not that many troops out there to help.

I think Hunter did a great job of telling the story of the governments and how they were involved with aiding the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Marisa Tavolacci