Federalism Katrina and FEMA

FEMA + Katrina

FEMA + Katrina

by Daniel LawrenceWeak -
Number of replies: 4

Each form of government have many responsibilitys in preventing, mitigating and reacting to government to disaster. Local governments are responsible for the evacuation and help warning the people about the incoming disaster. The state government should help in the aide of evacuating and resposible for asking the federal government for many types of aide. The federal government should help by provideing military, evacuation, food/supplys and money lending support.

All of these forms of government performed extremely poorly if at all in most is not all of these aspects. Local, state and federal government all did not prepare for the hurricane soon enough, which led to many people left in new orleans and in danger. Federal government had press conference after press conference saying that their helping but in reality many citys and areas hit received no help at all. In many interveiws with people in charge of fema or government all they did was point blame to someone else instead of saying we made a mistake lets fix it for now and in the future.

The federal government should help more in the releif and aid of disasters. If they do help in the aide they need to be more prompt and faster on their efforts to help and prevent

In reply to Daniel LawrenceWeak

Re: FEMA + Katrina

by Denzell Leonard -
the government should be faster in their attempts to help and give aid to states facing disaster since that is their job they should respond to the disaster before it happens or right when it does so I agree!