1.) All forms of government where trying to protect the city before the hurricane hit, there was no time to evacuate everyone because they didn't let them know them soon enough.After words the city tried to send in clean up crew to clean up the city.they used government money for these clean up crews.
2.) all the forms of government did their to warn the city about the hurricane disaster and help restore and rebuild afterwords.this wasn't the greatest way possible.The process was extremely slow since they weren't prepared for what came at them.there was not enough of these things ,food, buses where left stranded that may have been able to save lives. and the warning call came to late. 3.) I am agreeing with the article I feel that FEMA is a great thing to have for large natural disasters . the article states that they should not down grade FEMA but instead of using them for any disaster only use them for MAJOR disasters to have more people on one job and have a better outcome on clean-up and reaction times. |
Their really needs to be a better response and people do need to be evacuated faster i completely agree.
i also agree they were too slow
His point was good on how slow everything moved.
I agree, they were way too slow when evaccuating the people
i agree that fema should only respond to large natural disaster and not just any disaster the happens.