Movie Week 1

Pride & Prejudice

Re: Pride & Prejudice

by Victoria Bunker -
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Hey Megan!  Pride and Prejudice is my favorite movie. I watch it all the time.(which is why i figured i should not watch it for this project) I love the way that Darcy and Elizabeth's relationship progresses. Of the many themes in this movie i have noticed that the greatest is probably the way that Austen shows us how wrong judgements often can be, although i have learned that she was also greatly interested in people watching the way Elizabeth was. She points out to us all that although a person may seem to be one way that there are many things with other people that we can't account for,  this was specifially illustrated in Darcy's many esteemable qualities that although he improved upon existed before Elizabeth pasted her harsh judgements upon him. I have also read the book many times and what can i saw i am addicted to Jane Austen! but I am glad that you liked it.

P.S. Your analysis is Amazing!