Movie # 3



by Ashley Devon -
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Title: Othello

Author: William Shakespeare

DOB: Unknown

DOD: April 23, 1616

Publication Date: 1603

Setting:Venice, Italy and Cyprus

Theme: Jealousy, passion, and misplaced trust. It was demonstrated what could happen if you trust willingly but also what could happen if you suspect everyone.

Plot: Othello marries Desdemona marries against her father's will. Othello moved to Cyprus and is then placed in command for the state. Iago reveals his plan of revenge for Othello. Iago spins a web of lies and deceit that eventually leads to Othello's death and Desdemona's death and his death, his wife's death and Roderigo's death.


Desdemona- (P) Young, innocent and naive. She is married to Othello against her father's wishes.

Othello: (P) Is important in the state and loves Desdemona but is decieved into believing she does not love him. Iago is jealous of Othello.

Iago: (A) A man consumed by jealousy.

Roderigo: (A) Tricked into evil by Iago. He used to love Desdemona

Cassio:- (A) Iago's right hand man.

Emile: (A) A servant of Desdemona's and Iagos' wife. Iago ends up killing her to keep her quiet about his plans.

Montano- (P) Othello's friend and is also highly ranked in Cyprus

Signor: Desdemona's father.

Symbolism: The handkerchief that Othello gives to Desdemona. When it's dropped, it's a symbol of their relationship falling apart.

Personal Response: It was a very twisted story but I loved it. Is it wrong to say I loved Iago's character? Because, I did. :) He was a really awesome bad guy. He kept the whole story interesting for me. Overall, a very good watch. :D