book 12 discussion

Is it really over? i mean..theres no "part two", lol!

Is it really over? i mean..theres no "part two", lol!

by Marcus Kisielewski -
Number of replies: 1
My favorite charector (i cant spell that word, and NO im not looking it up) throughout the entire book..guilty. Is there no justice? The simpletons in the jury are the reason he was found guilty, or stupid katrena and her letter. maybe if Ivan had gone insane like the next day or something, he would have been a better witness. Oh well, poor dimitry..

*sheds tears as the book slowly closes*
In reply to Marcus Kisielewski

Re: Is it really over? i mean..theres no "part two", lol!

by Shauna Raiger -
I agree with you. I think that the case had already been decided before it already began though. It does seem that way. Does it not?