Movie # 3

Much ado about nothing

Much ado about nothing

by Megan Tallman -
Number of replies: 2

Title: Much Ado About Nothing
Author: William Shakespeare
Birth: 4/1564
Death: 4/ 1616
Lived: England
Published: 1598
Setting: Sicly, 1600s
Theme: Love

Plot Synopsis: Well This movie was about these people who fall in love then supposedly cheats on him and gets caught, it was just a set up. So then Benedick starts to like Beatrice and vice versa after they totally hated eachother.

Hero: (p)Loves Claudio
Claudio: (p) Loves Hero
Benedick: (p) Stuck up, mean to beatrice then falls for her.

Beatrice: (p) Speaks her mind, falls for Benedick
Don Pedro: (p) Sets couples up.
Don Jon:  (a) sets up hero by making claudio believe she cheated on him. evil man keanu reeves is!
Leonato: (p)Hero's father.nice man. "Mad about this cheating act!"
Dogberry: (p) Strange man.

Symbols: Don't judge a book by its cover.
Distinguishing characteristics: It was a interesting/boring movie.


First off, I would like to ask why????? we had to watch SHAKESPEARE!!!!! I HATE this. OK well Shelby and I sat and tried to depict this movie. At first the languange was confusing but towards the end it started to make more sense. I think it was weird how they started to Like eachother after they argue all the time. And how that guy set up hero. Ok and Dogberry what was his point in this movie?!?!?! Someone  convince me on this. The rental man wally said it was better than othello but Im not so sure which ones better at this moment. It did have some cool parts to it to. So this is my rant on this movie.

The End.

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In reply to Megan Tallman

Re: Much ado about nothing

by Miranda Cummings -
I agree with the language, seems unnecessary! :D
In reply to Miranda Cummings

Re: Much ado about nothing

by Marlene Azar -
Yup... I think Shakespeare plays would be better if they just changed to modern language and kept the same setting and characters.