Movie # 3



by Victoria Bunker -
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Title- Othello

Author-William Shakespeare


Death-April 23, 1616

Publication Date- 1603

Setting- Venice, Italy and Cyprus

Themes-  As in many Shakespearian works, the themes in the this movie were jealousy, passion, and misplaced trust. Shakespeare demonstrated very will what  could  happen if you trust to willingly and what could happen if you suspect everyone. 

Plot- Desdemona and Othello marry against her father's will. Othello, who is a tool for the state is moved to Cyprus, where he is placed in command. There one of his servants/officers Iago unwinds his plan to revenge himself on Othello. Iago concocts a miss of lies and accusations that lead to the death of the innoccent Dedemona and Othello, along with himself(Iago), his wife, and Roderigo, who Iago tricked into invovment in his plan. so pretty much the traditional Shakespeare stuff.:D

Symbolism- The only symbolism is the hanerchief (Not spelled right at all?) that Othello gave to Dedemona. I think that her droping it to comfort Othello was a symbol of the falling apart relationship.

Main Charaters:

   Desdemona- Young, innoccent, and nieve. She loves Othello and was only able ot marry him because she decieved her father.

   Othello- Holds a certain position of state that Iago is jealous of. He loves Desdemona and is tricked into believing she doen't love him .

   Iago- Jealous of Othello position of power and tries relentlessly to steal it.

   Roderigo- Loved Desdemona. Iago tricks him into his scheme making him believe that he could win Desdemona.

   Cassio- A friend/lieutenet of Iago, who he also involves in his plan to destroy Othello.

   Emile- maid of Desdemona and Iago's wife, who he ends up killing to try and keep her silient.

   Montano- Friend of Othello, of high rank in Cyprus

   Signor- Desdemona's father, whom she decieved to marry Othello.

  Personal Reaction- I liked this story much better than Romeo and Juliet that is for sure. I think that the plot was a little confusing but that might have been because I have no background on the story. But I loved Iago's charascter he always kept things interesting and he was very good at coming up with ways to still make his ill founded plan work, he just couldn't push through at the end. i also liked the language of this story a bit better maybe it was becasuse it was edited a bit more but i think this Shakespearian story was easier  for me to understand.