Positive Attitude Toward Math Assignment

Positive Attitude Toward Math Assignment

Today, you will be reading an article that describes the impact a positive attitude can have on your success in a math class.  After you have read the article, you are to answer the questions below.  Please type your answers in a Google Doc and share your responses with me.  My e-mail address is vincent.marsico@clarencevilleschools.org.


Positive Attitude Toward Math Questions

1. Write a 75 word summary of the article.  

2. Why was mathematics important to the topic of the article?  What role did mathematics play?

3. What did you find interesting about the reading?

4. What thoughts did the article inspire?

5. Do you agree with the article's claim that having a positive mindset can make a difference in your performance in math class?  Explain the reasoning for your answer to this question.