Jim Crow Assignment

Jim Crow in America

Using the website http://www.pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/themap/map.html, you will research how Jim Crow laws allowed states and cities to segregate the races in various public and private matters.  You will learn about Jim Crow laws that affected: 

  1. Education
  2. Hospitals and Prisons
  3. Miscegenation
  4. Public Accommodations
  5. Transportation
  6. Other Aspects of Public Life


You are to pick three of the above topics and create a poster/Powerpoint slide for each.  Your poster/ppt should include the following information:


  1. A title (i.e. “Jim Crow and Education”)
  2. The number of states that had a Jim Crow law regulating a certain aspect of life (i.e. 20 states had Jim Crow laws relating to education)
  3. The implications/significance of such a law on society
  4. An interesting example of a state law that best illustrates how Jim Crow impacted life in the United States (i.e. Florida required that the books used by blacks and whites be kept separate)
  5. A picture that relates to the topic of the poster/ppt slide