An entry level computer science course designed to appeal to a diverse audience and ability level. The curriculum aims to use a variety of programming languages to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about the field of computing, and to introduce computational tools that foster creativity. Students practice problem solving with structured activities and progress to open-ended projects that require them to develop planning, documentation, communication, and other professional skills. Problems aim for ground-level entry with no ceiling so that all students can successfully engage the problems. Students with greater motivation, ability, or background knowledge will be challenged to work further.
New Course #1 Description: An entry level computer science course designed to appeal to a diverse audience and ability level. The curriculum aims to use a variety of programming languages to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about the field of computing, and to introduce computational tools that foster creativity. Students practice problem solving with structured activities and progress to open-ended projects that require them to develop planning, documentation, communication, and other professional skills. Problems aim for ground-level entry with no ceiling so that all students can successfully engage the problems. Students with greater motivation, ability, or background knowledge will be challenged to work further.